Welcome to F3 I’m your Q Oblongata
Opening statements Mission statement, 5CP, Disclaimer, Creed
Mosey to the pad and begin most in cadence
H-Harry Rockets
A-Arm Circles fwd and rev
P- Patty Cake Merkins with your neighborimg partner
P-Pickle Pounder
Y- Yule Brener : Carolina Dry Dock to Wide Merkin to Merkin to Ranger Merkin(hands back) to Diamond Merkin to Finger Tip Merkin to Chuck Norris Merkin (Knuckles)
N- Nolan Ryans each side
E-E2K each side
W-Welsh Dragon bear crawl 4 steps 1 mekrin 2:1 shoulder taps 1 plank jack increase exercise but not the bear crawls from one side of the pad to the next I think most of us got to 10
Y-Yule Brener repeato
E- E2k each side repeato
A-American Hammers
R-Railroad Tracks- plank Indian run style pax jumps up runs 5ft next pack jumps over pax and runs 5ft then planks…
Next exercise everyone line up in 2 even lines directly across from someone, that’s your partner
Dora 100 Merkins, 200 BBSU, 300 Squats while partner does the work the other partner does Crawl Bears up wide stairs and bear crawls down and switch. I realized after one iteration that this looked way better on paper, we modified to lunge walks up and down, which were also a great burn on the legs. Time almost escaped me at the end (thanks @Bangkok for the time check!) called recover and ran back to the flags at 0600!
CoR, NoR, Words: don’t let your pride take you over.

It was awesome to see 20pax out there this morning starting off their new year in an accelerated fashion!
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